Welcome to www.OneGameAMonth.com, November edition! Wise people often say: the one constant in life is change. Nothing ever stays the same - we're all growing. Our gamedev skills are evolving. Our life goals are shifting. Our dreams are growing ever closer to becoming a reality. Can you feel your gamedev muscles getting stronger? Can you feel your gamedev speed accellerating? Can you feel your gamedev career growing? I bet a lot of you can. Many of you have already published 10 or more games, and to the hardcore gamedevs who have been disciplined enough to do this for 9 months in a row, I salute you. This stick-with-it-ness is one of the many keys to finding success in the indie games industry. Even if you just joined us, the process of monthly projects - even if they are simple weekend game jams - is addicting. Why? Because even though making games is a lot of hard work, it's even more FUN. I've had many questions from 1gam-ers about next year. Some of you are worried that I will shut down the site. Good news: I plan to do the very opposite and will be releasing onegameamonth version 2.0 in January, complete with new features, a more streamlined submissions process, new achievements and a way cooler frontpage. I just added a suggestion box to the site and I would like everybody to send me ideas for #1GAM version 2.0. Send me your ideas to bring things to the next level. We don't want this site to become a game portal - newgrounds and kongregate and all the app stores all do a good job of that already. The focus here is on the PEOPLE - on all of us together, as fellow gamedevs. New features should focus on the developers more than the games. I just finished a huge gamedev contract gig and I finally have time to give some love to the site again. I'm looking forward to implementing some awesome changes to the site in the next few weeks. The 100% optional theme word for November is: CHANGE. Keep up the amazing work, everyone. I'm so grateful to be enjoying this crazy ride with all of you. - McFunkypants